If your church already has small groups, this is an easy tool and method of study to implement for 6 weeks.
If your church doesn’t have groups this is a really easy way to gather people together, to introduce people to one another, and to get people talking about and engaging in the word of God through visuals and also a set of questions to follow.
If you’re an individual who desires to connect to your neighbors, this is a great opportunity. Have people over, pop a bowl of popcorn, watch these Gospel films and engage in discussions with your neighbors about the Gospel of Mark.
If your friends speak a different language, most likely the gospel of Mark film will be available in their language and in yours. You can watch them separately in your own language and then come together and discuss the films after having heard the gospel and watched the Gospel lived out.
These watching groups are so versatile—they can be family focused, church group focused, neighbor focused, ministry or evangelistic focused. They’re intended to immerse people in the Gospel through a profound visual experience, to connect the gospel to people’s heart languages and to provide a foundation for in-depth discussion about the Word of God.